Tuesday, November 13, 2018

10 Basics of Presenting

Today I had a great session with the youth at Mogra Children's Home. The main subject was Presentation Skills.

Here are the ten points  I consider very important during presentation (Basics of Presenting).

1. Time - Consider how much time has been allocated to you.
2. Creativity - How best will you bring the point across for example using a prototype, illustration, picture, short video etc.
3. Audience and eloquence - Consider the audiences demography (age, language, skill level etc.) Be fluent and persuasive in your presentation
4. Dress Code - Choose the right clothes for the occasion.
5.Content vs.Context - Package your content (Subject, data, information etc) inline with the context (environment, audience, situation etc).
6. Planning - Think of the flow/sequence of your presentation.
7. Tools / presentation aid - Consider if you will use any assisting tools in your presentation for example computer, projector, white board etc. Always test before the time for presentation.
8. Confidence / Courage - A good idea can be made to look bad because of lack of confidence and knowledge in the subject matter. Build your confidence through practice, research, feedback etc.
9. Body language ( Eye contact, posing etc.) - Your direct or indirect interaction with audience is determined with how you handle the entire presentation from speech, how you move, eye contact, use your hands, your pose etc.
10. Audibility - Make good of your voice where there is no microphone in a small group. Use the microphone the right way for quality sound.

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