
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Business Card Design for Makalia Adventure

Makalia Adventures is a destination management company in Kenya and its name was coined from the Makalia river in the heart of The Great Rift valley.
They  are committed to give the best safari, gamewatch, birdwatch, hiking,photography and or adventure with their clients satisfaction at heart.

East Africa being countries of great variance, from savannahs, highlands, escapements, beaches, birds, water falls and snow capped mountains, they offer the most interesting excursions depending on a clients interest and budget. for more visit

I hourned to design Makalia business cards today. Thanks Patrick for trusting my work!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

(POT) Plus One Talent

Slogan:  Path to Self Discovery
Key words: Arts & Culture, Leadership, Change makers, Social Entrepreneurs, Tech4Change, Sports for Change, Self Mastery, Global citizenship and Diversity.

At Wilsen Initiative (WI) we believe in collaborating with like minded people in change making to reach a common goal.  There are many social enterprises with a lot of similarity that seeks to address the same issues, and for a great idea to stand and survive you need support of all kinds.
It’s evident that apart from  having a great idea you need a passionate team and resources  which include funds to drive your project. People with strong networks have  always been able to reach their goals  through a collaborative approach.

POT (Plus One Talent)
will foster an environment where change makers will collaborate and widen their reach and bargain for support while they encourage each others ideas to grow. Apart from talents, we have reserves of many other things that we can do, it is our responsibility to dig inside ourselves and find that extra hidden treasure for positive change. The word POT also represents the cooking POT where in African cultures, it is used to cook food for the family. It is still in use in the modern times and  we will use it to symbolize  our roots of self discovery and 'cooking' of ideas.

What is POT?
POT is a community or an alliance of social entrepreneurs working  together with an aim of tackling challenges that affects youths. The team constitutes of skilled and experienced youth leaders who have worked in many fields of expertise, for example in ICT, Training delivery, Management, Sports for development, Theater, Art management, etc.  We are a group young people with the intentions to lead and impact the World around us through our  courage, talent, skills,  initiative and innovation. The POT (Plus One Talent) targets young people between 16 yrs – 35 yrs who comes from diverse backgrounds in Kenya.

Our target is to train on subjects that will enhance skills development and talent nurturing with an  aim of  raising awareness about promoting self discovery and cultures that seek to strive for transformation of different realities.

Main Objectives:
•    To connect the young people with the extras that they need to grow their skills, and especially their talents which are unique and needs to be tapped into and managed wisely by themselves.
•    To create a Collaborative Culture (CC)
•    To strive for transformation of different realities.
•    To create a platform for creative and innovative ideas that promote equality and opportunity.
•    To stimulate positive change in the society.
•    To encourage open dialogue, where youth and critical thinkers can connect.
•    To create opportunities of freedom of speech and thought (self esteem).

Kate Syprine footballer and Member of Girls Unlimited

Luis from Mexico, Acumen Global fellow

Friday, January 17, 2014

Bob Marley – Who The Cap Fit Lyrics

I love this song, by Bob Marley :)

"Man to man is so unjust, children: Ya don't know who to trust. Your worst enemy could be your best friend, And your best friend your worse enemy".

"Some will eat and drink with you, Then behind them su-su 'pon you. Only your friend know your secrets, So only he could reveal it. And who the cap fit, let them wear it! Who the cap fit, let them wear it! Said I throw me corn, me no call no fowl; I saying, "Cook-cook-cook, cluk-cluk-cluk."

"Some will hate you, pretend they love you now, Then behind they try to eliminate you. But who Jah bless, no one curse; Thank God, we're past the worse. Hypocrites and parasites Will come up and take a bite. And if your night should turn to day, A lot of people would run away. And who the stock fit let them wear it! Who the (cap fit) let them (wear it)!"

"And then a-gonna throw me corn, And then a-gonna call no fowl, And then a-gonna "Cook-cook-cook, cluk-cluk-cluk."

"--- /Instrumental break/
--- Some will eat and drink with you, Then behind them su-su 'pon you, yeah! And if night should turn to day, now, A lot of people would run away, yeah! And who the cap fit, let them wear it! Who the cap fit, let them wear it! Throw me corn, me no call no fowl; A-saying: "Cook-cook-cook, cluk-cluk-cluk." ... : "Cook-cook-cook, cluk-cluk-cluk." Throw me corn (cook-cook-cook); Me call no fowl (cluk-cluk-cluk)"

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Designing is One of My Top Agendas

Finally, today I have delivered the T-shirts for Dorwaf Caterers This year choose @Wilsenx for your branding options and solutions.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dorwaf Carterers - Poster and Menu Design

During the festive holiday I was privileged to design both posters and menus for Dorwaf restaurant located at the GoDown Arts Centre. More is coming on the way...

I love designing and I will keep on learning in 2014 and beyond. Don't hesitate to contact me for any branding work from calendars, T-shirts, Poster etc. Happy New Year!
Back side - Menu
Inside Menu
Orange Poster
White poster
"A graphic designer is a machine that turns coffee into beautiful, functional imagery". — Lisa Manson

ICE Philosophy At Wilsen Initiative (Wi)

Pre-Season Championship One of the three pillars of Wilsen Initiative (Wi) is connecting people with opportunities around their communities and beyond. Under the ICE program which is an acronym for Inspiration, Connection and Education. We apply the ICE philosophy in different contexts through community development and collaboration with like minded individuals and institutions. This festive season we were privileged to run the second edition of the pre-season tournament featuring twelve teams mainly from the Mathare North zone and one from Kawangware area. Thirty one matches were played from 24th December 2013 to 1st January 2014, and each match attracted approximately 250 spectators on a daily basis.

 The main objectives of the Pre-season Champions are; 
  • To connect the community with football activities either as spectators, coaches, players, volunteers etc. And by doing so people spend their time wisely and avoid abusing drugs, alcohol or engaging themselves in bad activities. 
  • To showcase young talent and support grassroot football in the community. 
  • To create a giving back platform for the organizers and other interested young leaders by volunteering or donating time. 
  • To use football to create awareness, connections, friendship and growth. 
The Highs and Lows
 We scored high on the participation of the teams and the community support through attending all the matches with a turnout of approximately 250 spectators a day despite a short notice of preparation and kick off. On the lower side most of the teams lack resources, good leadership & management of their teams, poor timekeeping and undisciplined players or teams.

The Learning Points
 I thank everyone who was involved in preparation of the tournament and I really appreciate all the people especially working behind the scenes who in most cases doesn’t get credit for their efforts and work. Working in teams is always the answer to a greater event and working with the right match of dedicated and passionate people always yield great success. And lastly consultation and communication are two things you need to keep even closer to your chest to be effective in what you want to do.

Great timing will always create greater opportunities and we look forward to the third edition of the championship come this year (2014) while we strategically plan for many friendly matches with top clubs to expose the untapped talents in the community. We welcome well wisher to come and support us with resources like football kits and balls to distribute to other community clubs here in Mathare and its environs.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pre-season Football Championship

This is the second edition of the pre-season Championships organized by Wilsen Initiative (Wi) and other young community leaders. The tournaments runs during the festive seasons from 24th December to 1st January. The theme or objective of the tournament is to support grass root football talent and using football to create awareness,connections, friendship and growth.