
Sunday, April 29, 2018

THEORY OF CHANGE - Wilsen Initiative (Wi)

We see a problem in our society, where many young people lack opportunities, knowledge and mentors to develop their very personal skills and talents to the best possible degree they want them to boost their social economic well being. This problem can be understood across five main subjects; Access to quality education, employability skills, skills and Knowledge transfer, lifelong learning and emerging digital gaps.


We work directly with individual experts and companies both local & international and volunteers in training & building the capacity of our target group across the five main subjects. Our work is aligned towards training that focuses on 21st century skills (Collaboration, Teamwork, Creativity, Imagination, Critical thinking and Problem solving) that provides a holistic training that will help youth in their chosen careers.

 OUR MANDATE: We aspire to mentor self-confident young people who inspire positive social change in the society using their talents and skills.

OUR MISSION: We train youth in 21st century skills towards developing positive change models in the society.

OUR VISION: To be one of the leading institutions that inspires excellence, skills transfer and lifelong learning in Africa.


  • Plus One Talent: This a platform that encourages creativity and innovation through artistic expression. We work with in/out of school youth and pupils. 
  • Skill-UP: We offer master classes and boot-camps for youth groups, individuals and schools. We also host boot-camps events that aim at inspiring, connecting and educating the participants towards building their personal brands, business or careers.
  • Soccer Initiative: We organize annual Mathare Festive Season Soccer Tournament while also mobilizing for soccer equipment and materials for the kids below 14 years.
  • Women Make It Happen: This a platform within Wilsen Initiative (Wi) championed by the ladies in encouraging fellow ladies to take part / lead in community service, giving back initiatives, leadership, technology, business and sports as a way of social economic well being.

Download / View [Wilsen Initiative Theory Of Change]

Training Of Trainer – Community Based Organizations

Do you have a new team of trainers joining your team with minimal or no background in teaching?

Do you have seasoned trainers who you would like to build their training capacity, but you are running on lean budgets?

 We are here for you! 

 At Wilsen Initiative (Wi) we also offer our expertise in Training Of Trainers (TOT) especially for community based organization and youth-led initiatives.

What's unique about us?

We understand the youth dynamics that we seek to impact their lives positively from areas like Kibera, Mathare, Huruma, Kayole, Mukuru just to mention but a few.

Our rates are affordable with a minimum of 3 days of training each day costing Kes 5000. Should you need to take your trainers to the next levels please consider us.

Some of the topics addressed;
  1.  Lesson planning. 
  2. Class dynamics 
  3. Teaching and facilitation. 
  4. Learning to Learn 
  5. Content vs. Context. Among others... 

You can request for a customized topic as per your needs. Contact: or;

 "Not everyone with knowledge can train, there is something extra in a great trainer " Wilson Masaka

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Vizazi Booster Training Of Trainer (TOT)

It was a great honor to be invited by Vizazi to share my knowledge and skills in facilitation and training.. Remember not everyone with knowledge can TEACH. Teaching and facilitation are skills that are found with people with passion, time, right attitude, long life learners, experience, training qualification, values etc.

Vizazi is an international expert centre for interventions operating in the field of high quality counseling, training and supervision. More about Vizazi

Topic of the day: Facilitation and Training skills.
  • Content Vs. Context 
  • ASK Model. 
Facilitators Teaching Vs. Facilitation 
  • Facilitators might not be subject area experts like a teacher. They do have special training in group dynamics using processes such as conflict resolution, strategic planning and team building. 
  • A facilitator can quickly determine what the group knows so the group can proceed to build on that knowledge. 
  • The facilitator also helps the group evaluate what group members learned from their activities. 
Teachers / Trainers 
  • Incharge of the learning environment (primary source of knowledge in a session). 
  • Responsible for creating lesson plans that direct the course of study students follow. 
  • Clear and concise objectives delineate what the student learns on any given day. 
  • Measuring how much information the student learns. 
  • Facilitation is a method of teaching, meaning a teacher can become a facilitator depending with the content (subject, objective etc.) 
11 Qualities Of a Great Teacher / Trainer 
  1. An engaging personality (attitude) and teaching style. 
  2. Good planner: clear objectives for lessons. 
  3. Effective discipline skills (Time management, reliable & accountability). 
  4. Good classroom management skills. 
  5. High expectations (Quality standard). 
  6. Knowledge of curriculum and standards (Trends, learner and innovator). 
  7. Knowledge of subject matter 
  8. Passion in teaching.
  9. Strong rapport with students and other trainers [everyone]. 
  10. Effective follow up system 
  11. Skilled in the subject area.
14 Most Effective Training Techniques
  1. Quizzes and games. 
  2. Small group discussions. 
  3. Case studies (reviews) 
  4. Q & A sessions 
  5. Question cards. 
  6. Role-playing. 
  7. Participant control. (Group leader, self direct, moderator and facilitation).
  8. Brainstorming session (No wrong or right - Post it).
  9. Demonstrations.
  10. illustration (white board, flip chart, smart screen). 
  11. Coaching (focused on individual need) 
  12. Use of multimedia ( Video, Pictures, text, sound, online reference etc). 
  13. Group research & presentation (‘homework’ or in class) 
  14. Individual research & presentation - ‘homework’ or in class assignment.
Note: We used the 21st Century skills to achieve our training goal namely;
  • Collaboration and teamwork 
  • Creativity and imagination 
  • Critical thinking and Problem solving 
Some of the pictures as captured

Group session and opening remarks

Lectures: Knowledge sharing

Presentation by the participants

Presentation by participants

Group assignment & team leader.

Group assignment

The venue

Brainstorming, & imagination

Group assignment


Imagination, Point of view, Team Challenge : What Do You See?

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Standard Entrepreneurship Curriculum

A Standard Entrepreneurship Curriculum is Critical in efforts towards Youth Employability and Empowerment.. There is great interest and effort in the country to encourage youth and women to entrepreneurship through training and incubation.

Entrepreneurship not known to many is an attitude or a lifestyle that requires molding, training, practical and experience learning. Entrepreneurship training should not be a one day, one week or one month package, it should involve, ideation, trial process, incubation process, mentorship and sustenance process. It should be a specific training for a specific target but not to pool everyone in a hall for training.

There are various ways and methods to teach end learn entrepreneurship across the globe and in the country, these models and trainings however require some guideline and standardization in order to be useful and relevant. In Kenya, there are many uncoordinated, unguided and unstandardized training methodologies that may seem confusing and non-impactful to the intended target population purpose. Our country is unique with varied dynamics in our youth population and in the business ecosystems that necessitates a well thought and standard entrepreneurship curriculum. It will not help us when we have training models borrowed from other countries or from projects implemented elsewhere.

Going through various entrepreneurship training models in Kenya, you will realize that some of these training models are farfetched from the reality and challenges in the country. The trainers or consultants need some form of capacity building and training guideline to deliver the trainings in a more practical approach as compared to the theoretical way which most trainers do. Many individuals and institutions have come up with entrepreneurship training programmes not to impact but to mint money or earn names at the expense of the youth and women; this can be well managed through a standard national approved curriculum.

Some of the subtopics or topics to be incorporated in this curriculum may include the following;

  1. Legal information and processes involved in entrepreneurship, this involves business registration processes, tax laws and compliance related guidelines. 
  2. Leadership, mentorship and transition for successful business processes. 
  3. Change management and people management for success. 
  4. Information, communication and technology in entrepreneurship. 
  5. Value chains in entrepreneurship and opportunities for scaling up and replication. 
  6. Financial literacy and management for business success. This includes profit and loss management, resource mobilization and financing avenues for business. 
  7. Market analysis, survey, market sustenance and growth. 
  8. Communication for business success. 
  9. Working and existing entrepreneurship models in Kenya. 
As we focus on entrepreneurship to enhance employability, we need to be reminded that not all of us can not be entrepreneurs but through it many can be employed in the entrepreneurship value chains. I challenge the government to take lead in developing a standard policy and curriculum on entrepreneurship. #Youth254 #Youthempowerment2018 #Devcon2018

Written by; Kelvin Keya Source: Facebook

Monday, April 23, 2018

The Role of Youth in the Implementation of Devolution Agenda.

5th annual devolution conference in Kakamega.

This week we will be celebrating the devolved government system, taking stock of what has been implemented, what hasn't been implemented, what went wrong and what needs to be fixed. All of us can't be at the conference, but I do believe we have many spaces to share our views that eventually might be implemented or given attention. The internet is one of the many spaces that we have a chance to share our opinions despite our current status in the society or backgrounds, and if used effectively real change can be seen in our society.


 Below are some of the opinions I have gathered from the young people in my community in regards to youth issues and what they think needs to be addressed during and after the national devolution conference in Kakamega County. 

 #ActionByYouth – What do we need to do in addressing issues affecting young people? Thinking of challenges and solutions. 
  1. Investment in lifelong learning and quality education. 
  2. Youth representation in all sectors (private and public). 
  3. Political stability and positioning for example, what does the handshake mean to the youth?
  4.  Defining the real problem and solution by the youth. 
  5. Uplift ourselves. Youth led initiatives and partnerships. 
  6. Positive disruptions through alliances and innovation.
  7. Develop strategy: Strategic position, strategic choices, strategic partnerships and strategic action.
  8. Multi-stake holder approach in addressing the challenge and designing solutions.
  9. Inculcate the entrepreneurial mindset and skill set in the early stage of learning.
  10. Collaboration between people, public and private sector in combating youth bulge and challenges brought about by the situation for example unemployment, insecurity etc. 
 I know there's more, but this is the top ten from my list, feel free to share extra points.

Reflecting backwards and planning forward. As youth what issues would you like to be addressed in the next 5 years?

Devolution as shown good signs of growth and rapid development in our Counties and eventually in our Country. The only concern is that not the same story of success can be written about all the Counties in recognition of the different challenges experienced by different Counties.

All the same there are some issues as young people we feel if addressed can pivot our economy to the next level and these issues affect all the 47 Counties. I had small focus group discussion in my community asking the question; As youth what issues they would like to be addressed in the next 5 years? 

Below are the top highlight as shared;

  1. Labour force, address the issues of strikes.
  2. Adequate funding for the Counties and accountability systems put in place (check and balances). 
  3. Address the issue of tender-preneurship. 
  4. The big four – Infrastructure, health care, manufacturing and housing.
  5. Corruption, nepotism, clanism, tribalism versus professionalism.
  6. Justice to all.
  7. Water and security.
  8. Education system. 
  9. Youth bulge (unemployment, under-employment and youth migration, etc).
  10. Full implementation of constitution.
  11. Strengthen Inter-Counties partnerships.
  12. Civic education on matter devolution, constitution and electoral system.
  13. Implementation of Kenya vision 2030 and also the alignment of our interventions with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Skill-UP and Bootcamp At Wilsen Initiative (Wi)

Wilsen Initiative (Wi) seek to empower young people to use the acquired skills and talent for prosperity. The platforms connect professionals, students, innovators, artist, etc. through building a creative economy using our Skill-Up program which is creatively designed to enable experiential and practical learning while inspiring the audiences to activate themselves in achieving desired dreams. Our philosophy is 1 % idea 99% action and the champion in you.

How many times have you switched your career? Do you know your career choice makes your acquired skills or knowledge relevant or irrelevant? Some of the things we learn, especially in school doesn’t mean we will use them all. Our knowledge bank is full of savings are waiting for the next explorations to become who want.

Through informed and proactive approach we shall reach at the level of our unique self with a defined purpose instead of copying what other people are doing without understanding the WHY is our journey. Many youth has been trapped in the puzzle of not knowing how to discover their full potential through talents and skills acquired, leaving many to succumb into the pressure of life without defining how success looks like.

At Wilsen Initiative (WI) we use our experiential program to unlock the youth potential through self discovery, guided by an approach that will promote quality learning and lifelong learning.

We conduct master classes in: – Business skills, Soft skills, Digital Marketing, Technical Skills, Web Development and Graphic Design, Team Building, Personal Branding, Painting classes, Financial literacy, Blogging, Photography and Internet Research. Our facilitators are passionate practitioners with good understanding of the market trends as users and innovators. Skill UP Master Classes – Offering 21st century skills training using eight approaches; 21st Century skills Problem solving Design Thinking Participatory learning Case studies Interactive learning Collaboration and teamwork. Creativity and imagination Critical thinking.

Skill UP – Boot Camps / Master Classes We target young people who have finished their secondary, college education ready for the job market and pursuing further education. “Ready To Work”. We also work closely with young people currently in school offering multimedia skills, personal branding and career guidance courses.

Sign up with us for master class with your youth group. Write to or wilson.masaka[at]

Friday, April 20, 2018

In Pursuit of a Job

In a society where jobs are hard to come by, the majority of young people rely on their networks to seek help in landing a job that could help them earn a decent living.

I have mentored many young people in the last decade, especially on career development and job placements, and my favorite topics are how to package yourself as a brand (personal branding) and personal marketing. On personal marketing many people don't get it right when seeking for assistance in their pursuit for an ideal job. Have you ever come across the phrase Find me a job ('nitafutie Kazi')?

It's quite common and for sure there isn't anything wrong with asking for your network to help you find a job, but there are better ways to ask for assistance that you can think beyond the same old script. Thinking about this, I have come up with different ways you can think of in framing your request for a better outcome.

#ParadigmShift Six ways of asking for jobs through your network; 

  1. Find me a job! This is a more direct request the only problem I have with this statement is that it delegates your responsibility to the next person which shouldn't be the case. 
  2. I'm searching for a job? This is a much better statements that show that you are actively involved in the pursuit, the only challenge is that it is too open to many interpretations which might mean any job is just fine with you. 
  3.  Help me find opportunities Good one, even though opportunities cuts across many things from jobs, networking, fellowship, scholarships, etc. It means you are ready to engage in anything that would be relevant to you. 
  4. How can we partner in creating job opportunities? This one of the rare cases, but also got a lot to do with self reflection on what you have and what you can do to create value for yourself and others. 
  5. If you come across any job opportunities in the field of web design and development, kindly let me know I'm available. I love no. 4 and no. 5 reason being they are all specific to what one wants to achieve and think about both parties helping in the mission. 
This all for now, in case you want your team (youth group) to be trained on the same get in touch me with me we arrange for a session. #SkillUP #MasterClasses

Thursday, April 19, 2018

3rd National Youth Leaders Convention

 It was a great pleasure to be selected among many youth to attend the 3rd National Youth Leaders Convention which was held today at Utalii College in Nairobi County. All the 47 Counties were represented, many great insights were shared from the panel and the participants.

I had my moment of reflection breaking the norms of note taking in the usual way as taught in school, but to think of creative visual notes which I would love to share with you to spark the next level of dialogue and reflection. More about Wilsen Initiative (Wi) 

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Making Of Skill-UP Event April 2018

In everything that we do we pick great learning lessons that we share and also archive for an even greater event next time. In case you are planning an event for the youth, for example, during the school holiday targeting at least fifty people below are some of the points you should consider. These are the pathways to the successful Skill-UP event that was held on 14th April 2018 at the GoDown Arts Centre.

10 Points to Consider While Designing Events; #WilseninitiativeDiary

  1.  Choose a team, develop action plan and allocate tasks. 
  2. Develop a budget and source for funds to support the budget. 
  3. Design the theme and purpose (Concept note and why analysis). 
  4. Think of the entire brand. 
  5. Agree on schedule for follow up meetings. 
  6. Contact your external team in good time for their preparation (Facilitators, suppliers etc).
  7. Develop a communication strategy (social media and general communication).
  8. Document the event from start to the end ( meetings, photos, videos, social media posts etc).
  9. Develop a registration system (confirmations, inform and engage). 
  10. Evaluate the event (what went well and what needs to be improved) 
Branding of SKill-UP design and concept by Wilson Masaka

Pull up banner






Sketching & conceptualization

Video documentation

The team

Photography documentation

Photography documentation

The logo

The vision

T-shirt concept

the presentation

Skill-UP Event April 2018

Wilsen Initiative (Wi) seek to empower young people to use the acquired skills and talent for prosperity. The platforms connect professionals, students, innovators, artist, etc. through building a creative economy using our  Skill-Up program which is creatively designed to enable experiential and practical learning while inspiring the audiences to activate themselves in achieving desired dreams. Our philosophy is 1 % idea 99% action and the champion in you.

 How many times have you switched your career? Do you know your career choice makes your acquired skills or knowledge relevant or irrelevant? Some of the things we learn, especially in school doesn't mean we will use them all. Our knowledge bank is full of savings are waiting for the next explorations to become who want. Through informed and proactive approach we shall reach at the level of our unique self with a defined purpose instead of copying what other people are doing without understanding the WHY is our journey.

Many youth has been trapped in the puzzle of not knowing how to discover their full potential through talents and skills acquired, leaving many to succumb into the pressure of life without defining how success looks like.

At Wilsen Initiative (Wi) we use our experiential program to unlock the youth potential through self discovery, guided by an approach that will promote quality learning and lifelong learning.

We conduct master classes in: - Business skills, Soft skills, Digital Marketing, Technical Skills, Web Development and Graphic Design, Team Building, Personal Branding, Painting classes, Financial literacy, Blogging, Photography and Internet Research. Our facilitators are passionate practitioners with good understanding of the market trends as users and innovators.

Skill UP Master Classes - Offering 21st century skills training using eight approaches; 21st Century skills.

  • Problem solving Design 
  • Thinking Participatory learning 
  • Case studies Interactive learning 
  • Collaboration and teamwork. 
  • Creativity and imagination Critical thinking. 
Skill UP - Boot Camps / Master Classes : We target young people who have finished their secondary, college education ready for the job market and pursuing further education. “Ready To Work”. We also work closely with young people currently in school offering multimedia skills, personal branding and career guidance courses.

Skill-UP April 2018 was a success... venue: GoDown Arts Centre Date: 14th April 2018 Sign up with us for master class with your youth group. Write to or wilson.masaka[at]

More photos: