
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

D&F - Driving Force

I’m a passionate about many things and today I want to share my driving force towards my learning curve and establishment of Wilsen Initiative project.  This is a list of things that I love doing or aspire to learn and connect with...

Top 20:  Without any order of preference!

  1. Photography
  2. Systems and Applications ( ATM, Mobile, programming)
  3. Visual communication design
  4. Tech for Change
  5. Sports for Development
  6. Youth Empowerment
  7. Leadership
  8. Peace building
  9. Teaching
  10. Social Entrepreneurship
  11. Financial Management
  12. Multimedia
  13. Advertising
  14. Coaching and Mentor-ship.
  15. Life skills  & Business skills (storytelling, Presentation, writing skills, Personal Branding etc.)
  16. Branding
  17. Community Development
  18. Creativity and Innovation
  19. User Centric Design and User Experience (UX)
  20.  Project Management.
It is all about creating your own learning spaces to be better in what you love doing and passion is the key. To succeed you have to know yourself before diving into anything. Ask yourself what are you passionate about?
Highlight of the day Photography: My theme is about people!

Learning by doing is the principle! "It is the man who carefully advances step by step...who is bound to succeed in the greatest degree."- Alexandar Graham Bell

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