
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Moving Tanzania – HuB Manager / Entrepreneurship Trainer

I’m happy to be associated with Moving Tanzania Project which aims to improve the media landscape in Tanzania and challenges participants to engage in improving their imaginative skills and express themselves more personally that leading to creative concepts and storytelling.

The Hub  offers three professional courses of three weeks each, full board on the premises of Kilimanjaro Film Institute.

Topics covered;
  1.  Creative Media (Including both storytelling techniques and creative thinking)
  2.  Music and Sound in Media
  3.  Entrepreneurship in the creative industry
One of my assignment is to align the online visibility by creating a community using related platforms. Here is some of the work done;
 Before - Facebook Cover
 Now - Facebook Cover

Designed participant poster, Moving Tanzania

Please like our page for the latest happenings.
I love working with the KFI team

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