
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Youth & Career Mapping

In my career journey I have gone through many series of uncertainties not knowing how to connect my dreams and the reality.  As a result ending up juggling a lot of things just to survive and try my luck on many stuff.. 

Today I can comfortably say that I know what I want, who I want to become and how to get there.  To be honest coming from a humble background it hasn't been easy to find the 'true self' in the puzzle of uncertainty, limited support, lack of resources etc. 

I grew up in a community where we were encouraged to study hard so that one day we could get good white collar jobs in the future, I don't know how many made it to the desired dream because the world of work environment keeps on evolving. It's unfortunate this line of thinking is still alive with most of the parents and guardians, everyone is targeting the white color jobs while thinking that the blue collar jobs are meant for failures. I believe my story is a representation of what many youths, especially from underserved communities struggling to find their 'true self'. 

Currently there's a decline of decent jobs with an increase in numbers of youth unemployment and underemployment that poses a big threat to the nation's social, economical and political well-being. Many jobs that we used to know are on the verge of diminishing or are on the new phases of evolution due to technology and Covid-19 pandemic. 

Youth need to be aware that lifelong learning is one of the ways of keeping in pace with the emerging development and if they don't embrace new development, especially by using technology everything that they know might just become obsolete. 

In my current status, past journey and the failures, I have learned a lot and I thank everyone who has been my pillar of support in one way or the other and they didn't need to tell the world how you have influenced my life or continue to be my pillar of support. One day we will celebrate and share a moment with the world in recognizing all the efforts that we have put into achieving a more sustainable meaning of success. 

 As you may know no one wants to be associated with failure, and that is why if I succeed big today, let say I win an Oscar award or Nobel peace prize people will make all efforts to be associated with me in all manner, from going to the archives to look for those picture moments we were together just to get a piece of my success. " It is profound to tell the youth to dream big, but don't forget to tell them to act NOW" - - Wilson Masaka 

Instead of encouraging youth to study to get good jobs in the future, we should be on the forefront encouraging the youth to study so that they can join the community of 'Doers' as job creators, positive agents of change and problem solvers within their chosen careers. One of the toughest choices to make as a youth is on which career to take. 

What also makes us fail is the advises we get from multiple sources for example from friends, parents, schoolmates, etc. We admire and copy what others do without any knowledge of how they started as a result this leads to failures and confusion in our career pathways. My advice to the youth is that don't just take a course for the sake, have a preset mind on what you want to do with the skill and knowledge especially in creating a solution to an existing problem. 

 Self Discovery l Behavior Change l Mindset I Skill Set 

 Did you know everyone has a story, but not many know how, what, when, who & why they need to tell it? What's Your Story? 

Invest in yourself means more than just buying something for self. 
You need to learn new skills and one of the keys, is learning about self and telling more about self. Sometimes we find it easy to tell other people's stories than to tell our own. 

Too much time is invested in study others than to study yourself. 

 "If you want to find and be found, you need to study yourself and tell more of your story." - Wilson Masaka 

 "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle 

 "When I discover who I am, I’ll be free." Ralph Ellison 

 "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi 

 "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." - C.G. Jung 

 Personal Development 5 strategies that you need to have towards your success in whatever you do
  1.  Strategic thinking 
  2. Strategic vision 
  3. Strategic position 
  4. Strategic partnership
  5.  Strategic Planning 
 "Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort."- Paul J. Meyer 

May you Appreciate Yourself, For all that you do to make it happen! 

Get into with me for master class on personal growth & self discovery.

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