
Thursday, February 2, 2023

How to Create a Digital Footprint on a Shoestring Budget: Advice for Football Players.

During my playing career, being included in the sports section of a daily newspaper was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a major story that was talked about for months in the neighborhood. We could make cutouts from newspapers, magazines, etc. to either create our own portfolios or decorate our houses with images of illustrious athletes and teams. 

 Everything has changed when we consider where we've come from, and I am convinced that the moment in which we live is one of the luckiest eras ever. Anyone may view how Barcelona, Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, and Manchester City (to name a few) did their most recent practice with the click of a button. 

 The only thing we need to do is manage our time well so that we can read the correct material, follow the right people online, and access the variety of learning information that is available. The good news is that we have the power to direct our own media and draw attention to the work we do to better the world. Although it may seem simple, doing so requires more effort, and in this case, I will say that it is a T.A.S.K that must be completed before you have enough money to hire someone else to perform the services. The acronym T.A.S.K. stands for Tool, Attitude, Skill, and Knowledge in this case. 

Do you believe that football players' personal brands should include keeping a digital footprint? 

If you're still unsure, the answer is a resounding YES. In general, the internet and the digital world brought with them a 'blast' that has impacted on every part of our life. 

In order to leave a positive and enduring digital mark, those who have experienced how the digital economy has transformed them have made time for self-learning or, in some circumstances, if they have the finances, have outsourced the work to a business or qualified consultants. 

Today, I want to focus on the entry-level procedure, where I think anyone with a smartphone who lacks the resources to hire a professional consultant or company may start their digital footprint (photography, video, social media, write ups etc) Although I'm neither a football scout nor an agent, I believe there are plenty of untapped chances that footballers who want to play for elite teams can seize by being deliberate in their actions. 

The internet is a place where everyone who cares about their future needs to drive in the right direction by creating and curating digital content. The world we live in today calls us to be proactive in both finding and being found. Profile of the Footballer Few football players can accurately recount their football careers, say from the amateur ranks to the top leagues. 

I believe either ignorance is the problem or there are no initiatives to help players and teams create a strong inventory that might be used by the players as they search for better opportunities. Think of it like a football resume, but in this case, we want to include more information from your videos, workouts, matches, social network handles, etc.

In the paragraphs below, I'd like to offer some advice to aspiring Kenyan professional footballers who want to break into the international market. Always remember that you are under constant observation by the outside world. It is unfortunate that we no longer have a sizable, well-known firm to support our game from the bottom up. 

Pictures +throughMylens featuring Kenya Premier League Match, Mathare United Vs. Kakamega Homeboyz. The match was played at Utalii grounds on 25th January 2023. Kakamega Homeboyz won 5-1


These few actions can help you start building your digital footprint; 

  1. Speak with the game's photographer and request action shots. Always make a request in advance and agree to the terms to guarantee fantastic images of the game. 
  2. Establish a social media presence and maintain consistency in the content you choose to share. Keep in mind there's more you can share than only football matters.
  3. Develop an online following, keeping in mind that people need to have a reason to follow you. Always be able to plan for your content ahead (content strategy). 
  4. If you don't have a professional camera, you can always make nice before-and-after clips on your smartphone.
  5. Be active online; having a presence online is one thing, but posting relevant and consistent content is quite another ball game. 
  6. Tag every appropriate platform and create an offline brand. Supporting your local club is an example of offline support, and there are numerous things you can do.
  7. Be clear about your values and devote the majority of your time to lifelong learning. Online courses allow you to pick up various talents even if you can't afford a college or university.
  8. Keep in mind to follow other persons and clubs and to provide commentary as needed. Remember to be found you have to also find others and create a connection. 

Good Read >> 

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