
Sunday, September 24, 2023

10 Important Learning Points As a Freelance Trainers & Facilitators. +throughMylens Bits And Pieces.

+throughMylens / Consult. There those who desire when they die their name to be engraved on the tomb stone with gold or diamond, on the contrary there those whose death leave an everlasting memories of good deed that is indelible in the hearts and souls of many generations. Since 2017, it has been a journey, and listed below are some of the things I've learned. 

 10 Important Learning Points As a Freelance Trainers & Facilitators. +throughMylens Bits And Pieces. 

  1.  You are as valuable as your network.
  2. When you work, you have a predictable way of looking at things, but when you work for yourself, every day counts. 
  3. You must have a T-Shaped personality with a desire to learn more in the same field of expertise but also overcoming obstacles to study in fields that you might not have considered if you were already employed.
  4. Networking, sales, marketing, and financial literacy are crucial abilities. 
  5. When working for a company, people want leave days and suffer from Monday blues, but when working for yourself, there is no such thing as a leave day, especially when you are just getting started and Monday blues don't exist. 
  6. You will feel burnout, especially if you are in the wrong industry for which you lack passion and have only mediocre talents.
  7. Knowing how to charge for your services is a fundamental skill. 
  8.  Two skills you must master are time management and focus. 
  9. You may feel pressurized to drop your position if the figures don't add up. 
  10.  Consistency (consistent quality and workflow), Connect (who do you know), Competition (who your competitors are), and Completion (how many assignments have you successfully finished). 
Work Experience. 
 Do More / Be More / Be Different

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