
Friday, December 15, 2023

Founder 360 Bits and Pieces

📍 Notice

I frequently receive requests from young people who want to work with me on the Wilsen Initiative (Wi) mission because they perceive my accomplishments through a different lens and are unaware of the struggles I have to make it happen, particularly when it comes to mobilizing resources and making support calls. 

I frequently share more of my victories and joyous moments of accomplishment than I do rejections, setbacks, missed calls, etc. 


"Few people will remain with you when you're losing, but everyone will adore you when you're winning." - Wilson Masaka,. Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

It's important for founders to realize that when they witness successful moments, many individuals will be more inclined to join the cause than when they witness failures. 

Here are some pointers before recruiting anyone to join your cause:

1. Find out why they are motivated to join the cause.

2. Would they provide resources to the project? Time, money, equipment, etc. are a few examples.

3. How and why would they like to contribute to the initiative?

4. What special aptitude, skill, or ability are they bringing to the table?

5. How do they view the project and themselves in a year?

6. What are they currently doing?

7. Do they follow you on social media platforms?

8. Ask them to explain the initiative in terms of their own comprehension.

9. Give them unpaid task to do with deadline attached to it..

Only a select number would choose to join your cause for reasons other than financial gain; the majority would only want to join you for financial gain. 

Never begin an explanation of your accomplishments if you want to draw people into your cause. Instead, begin by outlining your background, current situation, and desired future state. Inquire of the person in the story what they would do differently to further advance both the initiative and themselves.  

In future I would want to employ a number of youth into the initiative but currently I still don't have the financial muscle and all I do is dependent on my own efforts as well as those of my friends, family, and well-wishers.

Do More / Be More / Be Different

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