
Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Cornerstone of a Great Leader

As a youth trainer and facilitator, I teach topics such as leadership, creative entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and photography. In one of the sessions at a primary school, I asked the students to give me examples of leaders they knew; to my astonishment, their parents were not listed, but politicians were, implying that our concept of a leader is somehow limited within certain arena.

Where Can We Find Inspiration for a Great Leader?

Our perspective of a great leader is primarily influenced by what we read, what we learn in school, what we see on television, and other related media. In my perspective, the political environment in Kenya has had a significant impact on molding the leadership agenda and narrative, leaving other sectors with little to inspire the next generation of leaders.

It is important to share more powerful stories outside of the political sphere about what great leadership entails, since this will usher in new goals and a culture around leaders. 

Financial literacy and leadership, which have an impact on many aspects of our lives, are two issues that I believe are underrepresented in schools. In general, why do so many people have outstanding school qualifications but lack economics and leadership skills?

#POV The Quotes 

"You will be forgotten in seconds once you leave your position of influence if you are obsessed with power, living a flamboyant lifestyle, oppressing others, inspiring no hope, and so on; however, you will be remembered by many people even in your absence because your good deed touched their lives at their core (heart and soul), transforming their lives for the better." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

~ "A great leader makes the right decision, which may not be popular with the majority, but they are confident that the results will improve everyone's living conditions and lead to their own definition of success and a better livelihood for many generations." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur 

~ "A great leader is not the one who is feared, cheered, or applauded in his presence; the greatest leader is the one who is loved by the majority even when they are not present." - Wilson  Masaka Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

~ "As a nation, we have great leaders; our mistake is to judge what great leadership is based solely on the politicians. We need to tell more stories about great leadership from all angles to inspire the new generation to follow the righteous path of transformation." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur 

" A corrupt society does not arise by chance; rather, it follows a specific pattern and road passed down from generation to generation, resulting in a norm that pervades even families." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.


“Do not judge me by my successes; judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” Nelson Mandela

"The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi

Bits and Pieces Leadership 

© Wilson Masaka

Note; Pictures from the archives 2016 - 2018.

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