
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Call For Support End Of Term 2.

 Next Generation Star ⭐ 

As of August 2, 2024, schools will close for the second term break, and the question I usually ask myself through the Wilsen Initiative (Wi) is: How can we design safe spaces for kids to play, learn, and connect?

During the school break, you're most likely to find most children in football spaces. My intervention through the Wilsen Initiative (Wi) platform is to bring more learning within and sometimes outside the usual routines. 

My Call to Action

Let us all pull resources together and help organize one or many activities for the kids in Mathare North (10–25 years old) to play safely and in dignity during the school break. 

Here is a list you can consider in organising activities for the second-term school break through the Wilsen Initiative (Wi);

1. Skill UP master session. 

2. A mini-football competition.

3. Exposure visits outside the neighbourhood.

4. Plus One Talent (Creative Expression Session)

5. Donate football-related items. 

Let us join hands to make it happen, should you be in a position to provide support.

#SnowBallEffect #WiEffect 🌟 💪 

"Alone, I can only do a bit, but together, we can make the ball roll towards a bigger and better impact." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate, Social Entrepreneur and Founder at Wilsen initiative (Wi)

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. " - John Bunyan
Get in touch for more details.

Do More | Be More |  Be Different.

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