
Monday, July 21, 2014

Grass Root Football in Kenya

What happened to the Sakata ball tournament? It is now three years since it was played last, the tournament was one of the greatest youth tournaments held in the country.  Are the champs still playing football? Where are they currently? This are an answered questions and many others that needs to be asked! This was the greatest resource and avenue our national team could use in empowering and preparing the youths for global stage like the Africa cup of National and World cup  and actually make the transition from the youth teams to the National team more sustainable etc.

Does Kenya (my homeland) has a youth program or academies for empowering, nurturing talented footballers for both boys and girls? We witness great stars turn into crime, drugs etc. because of frustrations, mismanagement, lack of adequate  facilities, lack of professionalism etc. Something needs to be done if we need to be recognized as a nation of great footballers like in athletics and rugby...

DO SOMETHING TODAY! Wilsen Initiative seeks to address this issues by empowering young people with the critical skills to make the right choices despite their situations and most importantly encourage the use of talent and skills for prosperity. It's so unfortunate our nation team lost to Lesotho 1-0 (20/07/201) after the World cup exposure!

I hope they will make us proud during the return match. It's high time we have a sports policy that have clear road map of implementation, if are really serious as a Nation that supports and recognizes sports for development on both social and economical pillars.

Daily Nation Tuesday August 30, 2011

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