
Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Creative Entrepreneurship Course

The GoDown Arts Centre’s creative entrepreneurship course is for artists and creative entrepreneurs across all creative arts disciplines. Through it artists hone their business and life skills in an inspiring learning environment, among peers and facilitators with whom they exchange experiences, challenges and insights. Together, they begin to build a community of like-minded, empowered individuals who beyond the course form networks of support that not only advance their individual careers but the wider creative sector as well.

For more please visit and

I would like to recommend this course to any artist either emerging or professionals. The course gave me a great avenue to connect with other creative’s and understand my life cycle and more important think of how to monetize my creative skills and talents while impacting on social change. Most of the lessons covered beamed many light bulbs of hope, connectivity, reflection, awareness etc.

My top eight favorite lessons;
  1. Opportunity Spotting
  2. Managing people ( Team building, hiring, firing and ethics)
  3. Raising finances
  4. Copyright and Intellectual Property (IP)
  5. Contract and Negotiating. 
  6. Pricing and Branding
  7. Life cycle 
  8. Money and Meaning
As I focus on my next move, I will share all the lessons learned while we continue to sharp the Wilsen Initiative model and other initiatives.

I thank the GoDown Art Centre ( for developing this valuable course that connected us with top artists and experts in Kenya. The live interactions with the experts and masters in different forms of art should be emulated across the sector because through sharing their unique journey we were able to relate in different stages in our arts whereby they encouraged us to prepare well and never to fear to fail while focusing on success.

Here some of the work I did for my colleagues at a pro bono basis;

My online portfolio;

Pictures during the graduation held at Crowne Plaza Upper Hill on 18th July 2014

Creative Entrepreneurship 2014 Class IV

With ERIC OMONDI (Kenyan Comedian)
With Suzanna Owiyo renowned Kenyan Musician & James Muriuki renowed photographer
Creative Entrepreneurship 2014 Class IV
Creative Entrepreneurship 2014 Class IV  - Presentations
With James Muriuki, Kenyan renowned photographer
Creative Entrepreneurship 2014 Class IV  - Presentation
 Creative Entrepreneurship 2014 Class IV  - Presentations

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