Friday, May 17, 2024

16 Essential Lessons to Learn About Money

#SkillUp #SelfMade šŸ’° 

Master Class Financial Literacy 101.

What is your relationship with money? 

Some individuals will attend school to gain financial literacy and pursue a profession in it, while others will pick up these skills from life's challenging experiences.

Your knowledge and skills in financial matters can be honed in school, but it's your habits, behavior, application of the knowledge, way of life, etc. that will determine how successful you are financially. 

The 16 Essential Lessons to Learn About Money. šŸ’° šŸ’° 

1. Money doesn't stay where there's no budget.

2. Money becomes useful when there's a need for it. 

3. Money doesn't stay where it isn't respected.

4. Money isn't evil; it's people's behavior that is.

5. Money grows where it's saved and invested in realistic schemes.

6. Money isn't static in nature; it either gains or loses value. 

7. Create more value in what you do, and you will attract more money.

8. Money doesn't stay where there's chaos.9. If you can't manage hundreds, then thousands will be overwhelming, and millions will make you go insane.

10. You won't be schooled in everything about money; you have to make a habit of becoming a lifelong learner in financial matters because it is also an evolving sector. 

11. You are in the wrong group if the only thing you can talk about money is how to spend it. 

12. Money is a good friend when you have it, but once it escapes your hand, you have to find ways to bring it back to you. Be a good friend, and it will stay with you; fight it, and it will find the nearest exit.

13. Generally speaking, money doesn't change a person; it only reveals who they really are. 

14. Instead of thinking of one day acquiring the thousands or millions to do something, just do with the hundred and keep it going towards the next level. In case you don't know money is a close relative of time.

15. Stay humble : Money will elevate you to positions of power and influence in the family and in society in general. On the contrary, don't let it get into your heart and head, because the day it escapes you, it will rob you of everything. 

16. Working for money only makes you reach your comfort zone, but what creates wealth is when you have your money working for you.

To find out more about the Financial Literacy Module, schedule a Skill-Up Master Session with me and your youth group.

Related links;

Bits and Pieces +throughMylens ©2024 Wilson Masaka l Financial Diary l Life Series 

Friday, May 3, 2024

The Dark Tunnel In Kenyan Football

Today I want to give advise to all young people, but especially to those who adore football and hope to make a profession out of it. I know a lot of young people who are completely devoted to football and find nothing else to occupy their time, and once in my life, I was in their shoes. 

As someone who has benefited from football, I can say that my enthusiasm for the game has never overshadowed my goals of developing myself off the field. I always knew that there would come a time when my body and other circumstances would no longer allow me to play, even though I still had the desire to do so.

The Gap I Seek To Address.

There are countless examples of people who have achieved success in football at all levels, but the sad fact is that not everyone will tell you how they achieved their current football-related success.

Our paths are all unique, of course, but nobody can imagine oneself moving up the ranks using a definite route. Since the system is complex and constantly evolving, even if you are a star now, someone will eventually surpass you in any given field. For those who may not be aware, Kenya in one of the nations that are at the world rankings for athletes, but we are not considered the best footballing nation. Though the circumstances may appear dire, never give up; there are still benefits to the game, such as exposure, networking and life skills. On the flip side, if you are among the lucky few, you can earn a decent living through football.

Proposed Solution

Investing in additional career options that guarantee ongoing education and creation of employment opportunities is the best approach. Choose your buddies carefully, save money, invest in yourself by picking up new skills, and create a second source of income.

Way Forward

I want to use my initiative to educate young people more so they can make wiser decisions both on and off the field.
The calling to action is to use football to educate the future generation, and I would appreciate any assistance in achieving this goal.

IMPACT and still counting...

Teams Reached So Far; Skill Up Master Session Grassroots Football Teams ⚽.

- Bright Future Starlets.
- Red Eagles F.C
- Mathare United Women's Team
- Mathare North Rangers F.C
- Mathare North Youth F.C
- Cusson PZ F.C
- Mathare Flames Sportive
-  Kibera Angels Sports Academy.

#SkillUpMasterSession #TrainingMentorship #YouthSpace #YouthVoice

My Football Profile >>

Training and Mentorship Sessions are  organized by Wilsen initiative (Wi) / IAM a Shero/ +throughMylens.

šŸšØ Skill Up

Every month, I set up five hours to connect, train, and share with any young group in Nairobi on a particular topic. I have a paid package that is tailored to the club's need based on the number of days. Get intouch  today when the offer is still valid #ProbonoWork #GivingBack.