Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Call For Support End Of Term 2.

 Next Generation Star ⭐ 

As of August 2, 2024, schools will close for the second term break, and the question I usually ask myself through the Wilsen Initiative (Wi) is: How can we design safe spaces for kids to play, learn, and connect?

During the school break, you're most likely to find most children in football spaces. My intervention through the Wilsen Initiative (Wi) platform is to bring more learning within and sometimes outside the usual routines. 

My Call to Action

Let us all pull resources together and help organize one or many activities for the kids in Mathare North (10–25 years old) to play safely and in dignity during the school break. 

Here is a list you can consider in organising activities for the second-term school break through the Wilsen Initiative (Wi);

1. Skill UP master session. 

2. A mini-football competition.

3. Exposure visits outside the neighbourhood.

4. Plus One Talent (Creative Expression Session)

5. Donate football-related items. 

Let us join hands to make it happen, should you be in a position to provide support.

#SnowBallEffect #WiEffect šŸŒŸ šŸ’Ŗ 

"Alone, I can only do a bit, but together, we can make the ball roll towards a bigger and better impact." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate, Social Entrepreneur and Founder at Wilsen initiative (Wi)

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. " - John Bunyan
Get in touch for more details.

Do More | Be More |  Be Different.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Foundation of Self-Made Series: A Meeting with SELF.

Every one of us has a lot of untold stories that have never been published in a book, on the radio or television, etc. That has the power to transform society in a multitude of social, political, and economic domains. Under the umbrella of the Wilsen Initiative (Wi) Skill Up Programme, I launched the Self-Made Series as a way to support young people as they navigate the path of self-discovery and self-realization and all that it entails in reaching their life goals.

I've learned that, even at our darkest hours, we can turn around and move towards realising our dreams in life—but only if we adopt an optimistic outlook, ask for help when we need it, and believe in our own abilities, to name a few. 

 What comes to mind when I think of self-made: personal story, self-care, self-love, introspection, passion, gift, desires, dream, talent, support pillars, vision, goal, the star, the pain, etc.  Self Made is about a deliberate intention to investing more in oneself to do more, be more and be different.

This is a process I have been practicing that has helped me understand more about myself and purpose in life that I would love to share with especially young people to help them define or redefine their pathway towards their own meaning of success. 

Self-made isn't about doing things alone and excluding the rest; it's more about recognising your efforts and your contribution towards the success of the team or personal project.

It is an introspection of understanding why, what, when, where, who, and how towards achieving a set goal. Self-made also advocates for knowing where and when you need support and reaching out to family, friends, and well-wishers.  

Self-made is a deliberate effort towards becoming a better version of oneself every day. I believe in the change that starts within oneself.  


 ~ " Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – NAPOLEON HILL 

 ~ ''Personal Change Must Begin With Oneself." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur 

 ~ "Don't be bitter; be better; the world already has too many problems beyond your control to present yourself with a frowning face every day." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur

 ~ “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’”— MUHAMMAD ALI 

 ~ “Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future.”— STEVE JOBS 

 ~ “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” — THEODORE ROOSEVELT

~ “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – WINSTON CHURCHILL 

 ~ "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi Invite me for a Self-Made Series motivational talk where I share lessons and experiences picked from my story, but with a wider aspect of learning from the participants stories, diving into both the known and unknown future.

 Frameworks. - Right brain and left brain -Comfort zone - Kaizen - personality test - swot analysis - Golden circle - Now, How and WOW. - Bull eye - Pealing the onion Do More / Be More / Be Different www.wilsenx.blogspot.com © Wilson Masaka Diary 2024 Self Made Series.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Foundation of Self-Made Series: A Meeting with SELF.

Self-made is a deliberate effort towards becoming a better version of oneself every day. I believe in the change that starts within oneself. 

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

" Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – NAPOLEON HILL

#YourStory What comes to mind when I think of self-made: personal story, self-care, self-love, introspection, passion, gift, desires, dream, vision, goal, the star, the pain, failure, rejection, etc. 

Self-made isn't about doing things alone and excluding the rest; it's more about recognising your efforts and your contribution towards the success of the team or personal project. It is an introspection of understanding why, what, when, where, who, and how towards achieving a set goal. 

Self-made also advocates for knowing where and when you need support and reaching out to family, friends, and well-wishers. 

Invite me for a Self-Made Series motivational talk where I share lessons and experiences picked from my story, but with a wider aspect of learning from each other, diving into both the known and unknown future.


''Personal Change Must Begin With Oneself." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur

" Don't be bitter; be better; the world already has too many problems beyond your control to present yourself with a frown face every day." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’”— MUHAMMAD ALI

“Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future.”— STEVE JOBS

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” — THEODORE ROOSEVELT

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – WINSTON CHURCHILL

Do More / Be More / Be Different 

www.wilsenx.blogspot.com © Wilson Masaka Diary 2024 Self Made Series.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Recruit the Next Top Talent for NSL and KPL from the Grassroots Leagues.

#POV #YouthSpace

I would encourage the teams to adopt new ways of spotting and uplifting talent now that the Kenyan Premier League (KPL) transfer window has officially opened.

If I'm not mistaken, only a few top-tier teams from the NSL to the KPL host tryouts for scouting players. I also doubt if there's a scouting system in place, and if there's one, it isn't clear how it is done, and the scouts aren't noticeable within the ranks of the club. 

Anyway, in conjunction with what is best known to the clubs, I would encourage the coaches to spare time to follow the ongoing lower leagues to spot talents and, if possible, invite particular teams for friendly matches. 

Do we have quality players at the grassroots fit for the NSL and KPL leagues?

I know it can be argued that players from lower divisions lack the experience to play in top-tier leagues, but if we don't intentionally recruit a certain percentage to go up a level, when will they get the experience?  Secondly, even with exemplary performance, does a player need connections?

General Observation

I have noticed that the grassroots league hosts many talented players who don't know how to scale up to the next level or, in general, what they need to do to play for top-tier clubs. On the other hand, there's a great fanbase at the community level following the league matches that can support the development of grassroots football.

Here are some pictures from last Sunday's game featuring Mathare North Youth F.C vs. Mathare North United F.C in a FKF Nairobi County Regional League match.

Big Move 2023 -2024 KPL League.

As a community, we are happy for Kelly Madada to have signed with the AFC Leopards S.C in the Kenyan Premier League (KPL). It is evident that we have more talents that need to be exposed further. Given the chance, we hope to export more talents to the NSL and KPL next season.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 The YOUTH NOW #YouthFactor

Self Made, Bits and Piece +throughMylens 


We must support young people in all aspects of life. I enjoy working with young people in a variety of settings, including sports, schools, ICT organisations, creative arts, entrepreneurship and community service.

#SelfMade #POV Quotes 

1.  "Don't underestimate your personal story when chatting about a new beginning." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

2. "Not everyone sees the same things in situations of uncertainty." - - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

3.  "Be the star in your personal story." - - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

4. " Our eyes are in front so that we can see more of what's coming in the future." - 

- Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

5. "When smart people in our society refuse to think and do what is right, fools gain the courage to reign with all their might, making the smart people look like them." - - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

6. "The best story is what you tell yourself—that you can, can't, should do, or must do." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

7. "One of the things we aren't promised forever is life. 

8. "Opportunities are all around, but it depends on many factors to grab them, starting with how you look at the problem at hand." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

Do More / Be More / Be Different 

www.wilsenx.blogspot.com | Self Made © Wilson Masaka

Thursday, July 4, 2024

SKILL UP; Unlock Your Potential To Become More.

#SelfMade Series 

Though most, if not all, of the youth have brilliant ideas that can improve society, I have identified three obstacles that they frequently encounter that apply to many areas of life.

In the Self-Made Series Module, where I train and share knowledge on self-awareness, personal branding, building winning teams, etc., I have noticed three main obstacles that cut across in the youth life, as follows;

1. How to Start 

One of the biggest hurdles, which seems simple, is locating the start button. We all have great ideas, but sometimes we find ourselves in circles of procrastination, not knowing what to do and waiting for the perfect time or moment. 

In this session, I help the participants reorganise their thoughts to a point that allows them to take one step forward, which means starting something even if it is small.

2. Know How It's Going 

There's a lot that is happening in our lives, which can be overwhelming to the extent of delaying something or not even noticing progress in anything. Many times, we confuse movement with progress. While movement can mean from one point to another, progress includes more especially the unseen or intangible parts of your actions.

3. Defining Where You Want to Be.

Define your landing point, have a runway, a takeoff point, the route, the destination, etc. You have to define all that in your journey through life to achieve your true definition of success.

Are you ready to learn more?

I present these and many other topics based on the Skill Up Module developed by Wilsen initiative (Wi) called the Self-Made and Work Series. 

I'm more than happy to share and learn more from the participants. Invite me to speak to your youth group about a variety of subjects, including project planning, creative entrepreneurship, basic budgeting, personal branding, and organisational culture.



Online Presence | More About Me;

~ Linkedin: https://ke.linkedin.com/pub/wilson-masaka/9/943/4b3

~ www.behance.net/Wilsenx

Do More / Be More / Be Different.