Friday, June 7, 2024

The Dark Tunnel of Kenyan Football - Club Funding

ClubFunding #FinancialSustainability.

The Kenyan football structure is based on seven levels of league, namely: Sub-County, County, Regional, Division 2, Division 1, National Super League (NSL), and Kenya Premier League. 

Many teams underestimate the value of creating a long-term financial vehicle for the league. While it is evident that some top-level clubs are struggling to remain financially viable, this should serve as a wake-up call for all lower-league clubs to consider inventive ways to survive at their current level and in the future.

In current financially limited era, few firms are ready to go farther financially to support a club in the name of marketing because there are many other possibilities and they can get more value.

The mind-boggling questions: ❓ ❓ 

  1. How much does a football club in Kenya need to operate successfully (Sub-County, County, Regional, Division 2, Division 1, NSL and KPL)? 

  2. How much do they get in return, especially when they win the league (Sub-County, County, Regional, Division 2, Division 1, NSL and KPL)? 

   Note; I am aware that expenditures vary depending on league level and other considerations.

I'm writing to prepare numerous grassroots teams that are about to collapse owing to a lack of funds. Perhaps by planning ahead of time and understanding what to expect, they will be able to begin their financial sustainability plan as early as feasible.

Let me warn you that relying solely on politicians or individuals to fund your teams is not a sustainable strategy, and corporate sponsorship is also shifting as a result of the economic downturn. Let me use the regional league as an example. Did you know that a team based in Nairobi requires roughly 250,000+ to compete in a Regional league per season?

This figure may surprise you at first glance, but if you create a thorough budget for all of your ad-hoc spending over a season, it will become clear. 

To summarize, the top priority of any aspiring football president in the forthcoming election should be to create a sustainable business football model from which all stakeholders can benefit and to help nurture new talent towards a professional career in football as players, coaches, team doctors, referees, and so on.


If you want to learn more, schedule a master class session. 

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