Building a Name as a Photographer
- Leveraging on social media.
- Brand Identity
- Business model
- Marketing Strategy ( Networks, clubs, meet up)
- Strong Portfolio ( Assignment handled, Style, Quality, Pricing and USP).
Tips Pre and Post Shoot
- Tool Kit – Know your camera and have the right gear (tripod, camera, lens etc) for the job.
- Visit the venue before the event day or some hours earlier (Events Photography).
- Understand the game (Sport photography).
- Have the program at hand and plan accordingly (Events Photography).
- Visualize the shot in your mind {Mental picture}.
- Research for ideas – You aren't the first photographer, there must be good ideas you can borrow.
- Make more than one shot, select later! (Wildlife photography vs. fashion photography).
- Apply creativity where and when necessary for example arrange the setting, work with stylish, extra edit etc.
- Shoot in RAW format.
- Don't forget to store, share your best photos (Marketing) ..Ask for permission to share especially where a person is the main main subject.
- Technical and research skills
- Creative and Innovative skills
- Business skills (legal, branding, packaging, marketing, pricing, after sales [birthday wishes, christmas etc]).
- Soft Skills (Customer care, engaging, professional, Communication, Presentation etc.)