Friday, February 14, 2025

Work Series - Jobless But Not Hopeless

 World Of Work Series +throughMylens 

#SelfMadeSeries #WorkPlaceSeries #YouthSpace


Are You Jobless?

Avoid These Common Pitfalls to Boost Your Job Search Success.

1. Apply for jobs that you don't have qualifications for or any skills whatsoever.

2. Sleeping early and waking up late.

3. Spending time on the internet randomly without a plan or to-do list.

4. Spending your most valuable time at a common place known as the base doing nothing.

5. Reading and learning just for the sake of it.

6. Copy others blindly just to belong or fit a certain lifestyle.

7. Stick with a 'dead career' hoping that you will still make it even with your degrees.

8. Never learn a new skill that is valuable in the current market.

9. Expand your circle of jobless friends.

10. Allow external distractions from controlling your schedule and entire life.

Do you want to learn more or do a deep-dive analysis with me? Invite me for a masterclass session with your youth group. 

One thing I have come to note is that school will not teach you everything because there's a lot out here to learn that life offers that has never been taught in any form of schooling system.

#StreetSmart #SchoolSmart 

"There is no magic bullet that will make you successful in the new year if you keep doing the things that caused you to fail the previous year." - Wilson Masaka, Youth Advocate and Social Entrepreneur.

 Do More / Be More / Be Different


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Football Made Me Series

šŸ“  Football Made Me Series

šŸ“ Let us open the discussion and discuss the 6 F's under my ongoing series to share experiences and educate the next generation of coaches and players in the Kenyan football scene.

šŸ“ Facts, Fiction, Fun, Fanbase, Finance and Future.

šŸ“Œ "Talent and passion alone aren't enough; to become better in what we do, we need to keep on learning more from diverse sources." @top fans Wilson Masaka @highlight Wilsen Initiative

Book a session today +throughMylens/Consult

Featured on BEYOND THE SCARS PROJEC. This is my story... #SelfMade Bits and Pieces, Football Made Me and More...


Do More / Be More / Be Different

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Hire and Fire Vs. Hire and Care

Hire and Fire #WorldOfWork +throughMylens The Shift #OrganisationCulture

In this modern era of work, where employees are dealing with many unspoken concerns that the employer may not see, the traditional hiring and firing books should be eliminated or revised to read hire and care. In my writing context, "firing" refers to more than only getting fired for a mistake; it also refers to the termination of the contract for any of the reasons.

Hire and care, I understand might be a new term in the workplace and it may sound ridiculous and impossible, but I must ask: Have you ever been fired? If yes, how was the entire experience?

So what is Hire and Care?

The philosophy of hiring care focuses on how to manage the transition from onboarding to out boarding employees, keeping in mind that they contributed to the organisation to the extent that it succeeded in various ways.

In my advocacy for improving human resources issues at workplaces, I would urge the organisation's management and board to inculcate a practice that would ensure employees transit to the next life smoothly even if their contract would have stated all terms for engagement.

Hire and care would mean;

1. Train your team on new emerging skills to enable them to innovate further for the organisation to excel.

2. Open new spaces for employees to learn extra skills for personal growth.

3. Communicate effectively.

4. Having goodbye parties is ok, but having a meeting with the board or top management would make more sense within the transition.

5. Must do an exit interview.

6. Make the reward and promotion system fair and clear to everyone.

What else?

In conclusion, caring doesn't mean you don't let people go, but it focuses more on how you do it, remembering that we are all human.

Build clear systems that will inspire people to do more and want to stay and grow the organisation to the next level, and should they also find a reason to resign, they still remain good advocates of the institution.

Spend quality time selecting who walks in and joins your team so when either party terminates the contract, you remain driven by the organisation's vision as ambassadors because of the relationship you built together and the shared values.

10 things to remember as an employee:

1. You aren't there to stay forever.

2. The shift can happen at any point.

3. Work with passion and diligently, and never forget to pursue what you love beyond the job description.

4. Develop many revenue sources.

5. Learn extra skills beyond your current job description.

6. Expand your circle of friends beyond your neighbourhood and workplace.

7. Live within your means.

8. Aspire to start something.

9. Don't burn the bridges because you will need it to cross to the other side.

10. It isn't the responsibility of your employer to train you on new skills, especially those that touch on personal development.

šŸ“Œ Invite me for a master class session with your team to discuss more. #YouthSpace #LearnToLearn #SkillUpMasterClass

Do More / Be More / Be Different