To cut the long story short one day I was amazed to witness someone speak ill about sports in particular football asking questions like what are the benefits after all?
Through books of history sports has been used as an agent for change whereby uniting people despite their background, race or creed. On the other side it has been one of the sources of income for many countries, and on the social fronts great role models are natured through sports. This is untapped area in many developing countries but if I compare a country like England, football is a respected profession just like any other profession for example IT, law, banking, fashion etc. With the will-power, great sound of mind and working as team Africa we can do it!
I believe that all the problems of the world like poverty, war, hunger, youth unemployment etc can be alleviated through sports. So let us all support its growth from grassroots to the top level. Another thing to note, you don’t have to love football like me because this is inherited in our family chain, but there are lot of sports out there that you can support of even participate.
Did I mention sports for physical fineness? In sport you have to maintain a good form through gradual training which also as a result keeps you away from the doctor. Here is a question for you, how much does a football player earn? (Hmmmm.. my answer) this depends with lots of factors like geographical location, institutions and structures etc.
World cup 2010 here we come South Africa, and for those who have questions about what are the benefits of football, catch with me during or after World cup for a cup of tea, juice, coffee , milk or a glass of water .
All the best Harambee stars in your preparation for the tough match a head versus Supper eagles of Nigeria. World cup cum Africa cup of Nation qualifier 2010 in Nairobi, Kenya 14th November 2009, I will miss this because I’m currently in Zanzibar. But I will keep myself glued on TV. All the best and we can do it Harambee Stars.
Photos and video archive

Together as a team everyone is a winner. Prayers helps too..

Metro sports - Nairobi, Kenya.


From Kenya to Zanzibar

Accuracy before power...
Catch up with Metro sports and Me on YouTube

Together as a team everyone is a winner. Prayers helps too..

Metro sports - Nairobi, Kenya.


From Kenya to Zanzibar

Accuracy before power...
Catch up with Metro sports and Me on YouTube

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Article; by Wilson Masaka
wilsenuk [at] yahoo.co.uk
wilsenuk [at] yahoo.co.uk
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