Everybody is a champion no matter how big or small initiatives and contribution you make in the family and the society at large. The problem comes when you don’t act or even recognize that you are a role model to many and believe that you can do it. You create that bridge that shall help many cross to the land of success and opportunities. Remember whatever steps you take, inspires and motivate others and I would urge youths to take actions to determine their destiny.
I would like to share with you one of the candid stories by Mr. Samson Ongondo, my ex-student 2010 December class at Nairobits. Mr. Samson really inspired me for that action he took towards an opportunity I shared in the class. He is really a champion and the best is waiting for him if he continues with the same zeal, patience, humbleness and understanding.
Some time people don’t believe stories shared with them but here at Wilsenx initiative we strive to share true stories from youths who are planning for success. If I tell you I played football with Mr. Dennis Oliech, French based and harambee stars player would you believe it?
To date I don’t regret anything because I wasn’t able to achieve in football like my friends who are based abroad but I have worked round the clock to place myself in the lands of opportunities, despite the challenges and obstacles on the way, I’m really happy with what I’m doing so far and the skies are stepping stones to my success.
Brief introduction about Mr. Samson Ongondo

Growing up in the slums I never imagined I would one day do what I’m doing now, immediately after finishing high school I joined Maji Mazuri youth group and I have been an active drama member since I joined the institution. At Maji Mazuri I got to know about Nairobits and its program which I was really eager to join”.
“Being at Nairobits was an eye opener! I realized that there were so many opportunities out there and with the right attitude you will succeed. After successfully graduating with a diploma in web design and development from Nairobits, I landed yet another opportunity to do video production and editing at Medeva TV (Media Development in Africa) which I’m currently undertaking video shooting and editing lessons”.
“I’m hopefully that the two trainings will go a long way in helping change my society positively by disseminating the same knowledge to other peers both directly and indirectly.
“You can follow my link to view some my works at coroflot www.coroflot.com/samm
Thank so much Nairobits for giving me this chance”.
I asked Mr. Samson the following questions just to know more about him and how he is planning to use his youthful energy to place himself in the land of many opportunities;
1. Where do you see yourself in the next 5yrs?
“My dream is to make a big and better impact in my world, Five years from now I would like to operate an advertising firm, be self employed or employed in a reputable creative institution.”
2. What inspires you?
“People inspire me just as much as nature. I’m inspired by my family and all the love they’ve afforded me. I’m inspired by people who struggle through starvation daily and still make it out in life. Great designers and generally people in creative work inspire me too”.
3. What can you say of Wilsenx initiative?
“In my opinion Wilsenx initiative is a timely initiative especially to majority of youths in Kenya who would be seeking opportunities and knowledge, or just for inspiration and for this I am a beneficiary having been linked to Medeva training. I sincerely thank you Masaka”.
4. Your advice to the youths?
“Well my advice to youths, you can do anything when you set your Mind and with the right attitude nothing is too difficult. It also helps to have mentors in life.”
5. What did you do to reach where you are now?
“First and foremost I thank God for everything that I have been able to achieve. Over the years I have learnt to make use of the opportunities that come my way and I have learnt to take criticism in a positive way, so as to commitment that goes along way, whereby I always ask myself what makes me wake up every morning? And the answer is the self-drive and the urge to succeed.”
My recommendation
Mr. Samson you’re most welcome and I guess I’m that one to pat your shoulder for acting on the information that I shared with 42 students at the time of training. You are a champion and I would urge you to continue with that spirit. I take this opportunity to recommend Mr. Samson to any employers who are looking for talent, determined and self driven youths in the field of ICT. I believe given the support Mr. Samson will be one of the great employer / employee in the ICT field in future I see lots of potential in him.
”I have learnt that in this life you can get what you want often, you only get what you need. However, either way you still have to work hard for both" By Tobias Ouma
Watch the space for more champions…
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