To be specific I have been monitoring keenly women soccer in Kenya whereby attending some of the matches and to my delight I usually see potential, talents and team spirit whenever the girls play. I wonder what always goes wrong when you see no progress years come years go: the girls are always stationed at same level, playing local tournaments which we can also count with no incentive at all.
I’m a football fanatic so I shall address issues to do with football. It is also worth mentioning that there has been several great initiatives happening like the MYSA program and the currently Women’s League though a lot still needs to be done, all of us can’t fit in white collar professions and it’s high time girls soccer is given the much needed attention by all sectors not forgetting the media.
Let us shun all the stereotypes who say women can’t play great football in Kenya, why is it that Cameroon and Nigerian women can play great football? Don’t you think it’s the right time we need to learn from our neighbors and start more programs for the women football?
I’m not a psychologist neither I’m I a doctor , but in my own thinking, observation and general opinion there are two type of human race. One with the ‘WITFM’ factor meaning, what is there For Me syndrome and ‘WITFU’ factor meaning, what is There For us. Many people are obsessed with their egocentric ideas in all spheres of life especially when it involves money and sports is not an exception.
A case in point is when our National women team was to play in a tournament and a team was to be formed, do you know there were several groups claiming that they were the legitimate group to run affairs of the team. It is still a mystery to me and may be many others who are still wondering what went wrong. For a team, company, organization, country etc. to excel there should be a strong culture of ‘WITFU’( What Is There For us) factor formed around everything we do, remember no one is an island and anything you do, there is a direct or indirect influence or link of another person around you either a friend, family, work mate etc.
All in all let us all support both the boy and girl child in education, sports, talent nurturing just to mention but a few. In any initiative that you do it is never too little take an example of Ksh 100 and Ksh 99.50, this isn’t the same price tag the small difference makes a huge impact, so let us work around the culture of ‘WITFU’ and oppose the ‘WITFM’ factor.
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