Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Making Of Champions Of Life, the Champion in YOU!

Bridging the Gaps…

Wilsen is a true story of a young person working hard in a society where there seems to be no opportunities with predisposed challenges from family life, community life, access to better education, peer pressure etc.  

We see a problem in our society, where many young people at the age from 16yrs to 30yrs  face lack of opportunities to develop their very personal skills to the best possible degree they want them. What we see, is a school system, that is mainly driven by the preparation for employment, focusing on the relevant skills to fulfil employers need – while the development of personal skills, talents and interests in art (like painting, photography, dance, music etc.) is not part of the core curriculum. Which leaves young people, who wish to dig deeper into these fields, alone and without support on this journey...

WILSEN is an Acronym which stands for;

  • Willpower: Everybody has the power of choice which determines the consequences of how our future will look like.
  • Inspiration: Ask the What, Who, Where, When, How? In connection to finding what inspires you in driving positive change, self discovery, career mapping, role models etc.
  • Learning: Self learning is the greatest tools you have in your personal tool box of capacity building. Your learning curve will always be shaped by what you do on a daily basis and the interest you develop around a subject. Self learning with a great purpose and determination will lead to a prosperous future.
  • Success:  What’s success look like in your own world? And how do you know you have succeeded? Mapping and tracking your success paths will always trigger great enthusiasm from dreaming to reality by taking action.
  • Exploration: Explore new areas of interest, don’t lock your dreams and potentials in silos, be flexible to learn something new whilst this will shape your career path, and in depth interest.  Visit new places, interact with diverse cultures, meet new people and the list is endless. Exploration will unlock new potentials and create new paradigms. Our future is shaped by what we are exposed to, be at the right place at the right time! 
  • Network: "Your Network is your Net worth"- Porter Gale; Connect with people who will inspire you to become even better and help boost your learning curve and connections. Collaborate with others whilst it will build strong bridges and pillars of support for your ideas, provide mentor-ship, coaching and new opportunities.

Based on a true story of the founder at Wi. Journey since 1997…

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