In this tournament every team is a winner with the main focus not being cash rewards but rather building lasting relationships that will foster peaceful co-existing of people of different communities. This year’s theme was connecting community through soccer and talent display. In a great way we thank all the organizing committee who dedicated their time, skills and resources like making fixtures, communication, officiating etc, all the teams and their supporters for maintaining discipline, peace and fair play through the tournament.
The tournament was a great success!
*** More than 300 spectators per day, 30+ matches, 16 teams, More than 300 soccer players, More than 60hrs of community service!
Join us in preparation for the 4th edition of the tournament scheduled for 26th December 2015 to 1st January 2016.
Happy new year, you are a champion of life!

Great thanks and I'm happy to have coordinate the tournament successfully with a group of dedicated youth.
All this efforts will go along way in building the community that we want...
The change that starts from within.... DO SOMETHING IN 2015 AND BEYOND...
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