Sunday, February 1, 2015


There are many myths in the society, one that always catch my attention is; if you are born poor your will die poor. I believe we can change that notion and misleading stereotypes believe that make young people fear of exploring more about themselves that they can move from conform zone into new power zone of wealth creation and prosperity.

Here I'm are talking about values, behaviours, character and habits that we need to learn to acquire wealth and stay afloat in these economical tough times which will save our next generation from the same poverty chains and cycles.

  1. Develop good character, behavior and habits
  2. Love what you do
  3. Self discovery everyday
  4. Passion, Purpose and Focus
  5. Invest in infinite learning ( education)
  6. Networks with other like minded social groups
  7. Research on your field of practice to build a stable career path.\
  8. Go for the opportunities.
  9. Embrace constant change ( Change is inevitable)
  10. Develop a savings and investment plan
  11. Use your Unique Selling Point (Talent and Skills).
  12. Create opportunities
  13. Build the future don’t wait for it to happen.
  14. Budget and timelines

  1. Do nothing…
  2. Wait and See attitude
  3. Fear of failure, never try anything.
  4. Stay with your ideas and dreams at the same stage forever.
  5. Happy of the status quo.
  6. Happy with the comfort zone
  7. Copy other people’s dreams and forget yours.
  8. Lacks consistency and clear plan
  9. Think money is everything
  10. Blame the past
  11. Self doubt and pity
  12. Spend everything and tomorrow will take care of itself approach.

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