Thursday, July 30, 2015

Training101 - How to Fish for Skills

#Training101 I had a great day sharing skills on how to design web layouts especially using wire-frames, insights on how designers think, insight on how designers see things, where we source creativity among others. Design is a process and not an event! Don't forget to develop your knowledge base it is very important.

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime - Chines proverb.

Key Take Always;

Creative Thinking + Critical Thinking = YOU ( Designer / Developer/ Editor / Copy writer etc.)

Back To Basics

1. How you THINK.
2. How you SEE
3. How you execute IDEAS
4. How you build CONCEPT
5. Places you visit for INSPIRATION
6. NETWORK on-line and offline
7. LEARN from others.

And many more...

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