Believe me or not, it is a tough journey that only the prepared, persistent and patient mind can conquer. A part from funds for running the enterprise finding the right, or rather perfect match for your team and the idea is the biggest headache or hurdle which needs to be juggled carefully. Remember, once you introduce people to your idea that you have been conceptualizing for many years, people will always try to bring in the missing bricks or sometime remove the strongest bricks within the foundation. So how do you go about it? Maybe this is the question you might be asking, below are some of the great tips I have learnt in the process of implementing Wilsen Initiative (Wi)
#Top 10 Tips
- Find people with the shared values which also are in line with the enterprise.
- Find people who can compliment what you are already doing
- Recruit the DOERS: Creative thinkers, strategic thinkers and critical thinkers.
- Love the process, observe keenly, active listening and decision making skills.
- Be prepared, Be persistent and Be patient.
- Dream IT, Live IT, Love IT and Do IT
- Develop a team culture.
- Clear documentation; Define team role and explain objective, mission and vision (Why, What, Who, When & How).
- Define your decision making and planning process.
- Embrace both success and failure.
In a special way I want to thank Patrick Mukabi, Washikadau production, Linnet Wahome, Danstan Ochieng, Penninah Owidhi, Lilian Were and Alex Simmitta for working and walking together with me in implementing the Plus One Talent Forum under the umbrella of Wilsen Initiative (WI). I’m blessed and honored to have connected with the right or rather perfect match for the idea and all of us share these values; #BuildingBridges #SharingSkills #ChangeMaking #MakingOfChampions #GivingBack #TheChampionInYoun #ValuesInsideOut #Talen&Skills #Empathy #Visionary #LifeLongLearning which are in line with the Wilsen Initiative (Wi) vision.
About Wilsen Initiative (Wi)
We are a team of young professionals, role models and change makers who inspire and aspire to educate our peers to use their talents and skills for positive social change.
Our mission is to develop positive young change-makers in informal settlements in Kenya.
Our vision is to have a society of self-confident young people who inspires positive change using their talents and skills for prosperity.
There are many people who are willing to join you in your cause just keep on sharing your vision, don’t worry nobody can steal your idea and if they do they can’t implement it with the same zeal like you do.
Meet Our Great Team; Plus One Talent Forum under Wilsen Initiative (Wi)

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