It was inspiring to hear from the articulate speakers, especially on their personal journey's that has helped them build strong brands that connected with their career. One point that was cutting across all the speakers was how they transited from one career / job to the other and also currently some still running more than one schedule successfully for example Amina Abdi
“I had a wonderful time and experience and I was able to capture the below notes and pictures +throughMyLens photography which I hope might also inspire you in some way;

Key Highlights;
- Personal branding is a process and not an event.
- Start from where you are!
- Share your story and the more your express the more you learn.
- When people come to you for some service or help it mean your brand is growing stronger and you should work hard in making sure it remains consistence.
- Continues research is paramount in creating an effective brand.
- Build your personal brand around your passion, skills , gift and talent.
- To re-brand you need to develop a strategy for forging forward and in some instances you will be forced to drop friends that doesn’t add value to the brand you want to see in you.
So what is Personal Branding? #MyTake Personal Branding is what people say about you when you aren't in the room. It is more from inside out approach where you become aware of what impression or mark you what to create but its effectiveness comes from feedback from others.
Five values of great Personal Brand;
- Authentic
- Consistent
- Powerful
- Visible
- Valuable
Question to ask yourself;
- What are your greatest strength?
- What differentiates you from the rest ?
- How does your uniqueness translate to your brand? Think Unique Selling Point.
What else do you think is important in building your Personal Brand?
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