Friday, February 21, 2020

Capacity Building Training at Oasis Mathare

 It was a great privilege to interact and train the Oasis team based in Mathare. Oasis Mathare is a youth-led organization that seeks to eradicate illiteracy and poverty through improving the quality of education and skills training. They envisage to transform the lives of disadvantaged children and youth by providing access to safe spaces, quality education, skills and economic opportunities. Read more on 

All organizations go through different stages of growth from the date it was established and as part of organizational growth there is institutional memory as captured in different data formats which only can be effective if it is captured, stored and shared in a structured way.

 Also important is building the capacity of your team which is at the core of everything from operations, strategy, communication, creativity, innovation, etc. towards a more vibrant and sustainable organization that can survive any transitions.

Below are three topics we covered at Oasis during the capacity building training at their office;
  1. Time management 
  2. Communication 
  3. Data collection 
Training Objectives;
  1.  To learn different ways on how to use different tools for time management and planning. 
  2. To understand data collection, usage and storage. How, When, Who, What and Why in terms data. 
Training proceedings 

Staff members presented How, When, Who, What and Why in terms data they collect siting different challenges. We also looked at the communication channel within the institution and how it affects the external communication. In terms of data we looked at categories of data (quantitative versus qualitative), how data is captured, stored and when it can be used.

Call to Action Call

 Are you a youth led institution working in the community with a desire to improve the already existing systems, want to build a vibrant culture of teamwork, looking for a more professional insight on how to go the next level of responsibility? Then I’m here for you, get in touch and sign-up for training session at affordable rates.

Below are ten areas most youth led initiatives in the community face that hinders their desired growth;

  1. Building a team  and conflict management.
  2.  Institution memory.
  3.  Organization story
  4.  Resource mobilization 
  5. Impact measurement 
  6. Embracing technology
  7. Organization growth and transitions 
  8.  Decision making 
  9. Financial administration 
  10.  Forming meaningful partnerships Among others! 
If you are facing some of this challenges then I’m here to engage with you at your level to maximize on the desired results.

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